We interview and vet cleaners to ensure that we are able to provide a cleaner you will be happy with. However it is still important for you to establish a good relationship with your cleaner. A happy cleaner will do a better job and stay with you longer. Here are our five top tips for getting the best from your cleaner: 1. Know exactly what you expect your cleaner to do - and make sure your cleaner knows too! In preparation for your first clean, please take a little time to go through
Cleaning Tips
Spring is definitely in the air – time to spruce up the garden.
After months of cold and miserable, good old fashioned British rain the buds are starting to appear, the birds are starting to sing and the garden is starting to come to life. Now is the time to get out there and give it a good clean up. It won’t be long before you are sat out there entertaining and after a miserable and untouched winter it probably needs a bit of attention. One of the things that we tend to notice in our house especially is the patio. It is just outside the kitchen where we
How To Keep Your New Bathroom Looking Like New
Having recently had a new bathroom fitted I was keen to keep it pristine. The old bathroom was 15 years old and was in need of a refurb. Not being the first owner of the bathroom over the years it had accumulated much water staining, lime scale, mould and mildew and despite my best efforts it was a battle to remove and keep it at bay. Who would have thought that the one thing we used to clean everything would be the thing that caused the most damage. Now don’t get carried away with the
The Christmas Freezer Clean!
It’s that time of year again. It seems to come around so fast and is it me or does it seem to last a lot longer? Yes I am in fact talking about Christmas. Now in our house we have many traditions. Decorations go up on the first Saturday in December and we must buy at least one new Christmas ornament every year. The kids are very particular about what goes on the tree and, unlike the regular Facebook posts I see from some people about their trees needing re-doing, I have to say that this year
Making Cleaning Fun
Cleaning – for some people it's passion! (If that sounds like you - we'd love to hear from you :) Why don't you fill in our contact form and say hello?) But for others it is just part of the daily and weekly routines and something that sometimes needs to squeezed in when you have time around seeing to the kids - which, let’s be honest, is a full time job in itself. We know this isn't easy so we asked our friend Sheryl how she copes. Sheryl has two children, a full time job and one of the
Vinegar and its many uses for cleaning!
Vinegar – it smells really strong, it pickles practically everything, it tastes great on your fish and chips and it cleans things that you may normally struggle to get clean. Yes that’s right – you read it right. Vinegar is a fantastic natural cleaner that you don’t have to keep out of reach of the children and which won’t put harmful chemicals into your environment. It will also save you a fortune in the various bottles of detergents and bleaches that you normally buy. So what can vinegar
How To Tidy Any Space In 30 Minutes Or Less
Even here at HCC HQ we sometime find things need a quick tidy up. Unbelievable I know. But with over 100 clients and 30 cleaners to look after we don't always have time to keep the sock drawer in order. But on busy days it can be difficult to step away from the phone for long enough to get things done. Sometimes a quick tidy up is all we have time for. Here's how we do it. But be warned it's not a method for hoarders! Before you start you will need to get a few things ready: 1. A good