Even here at HCC HQ we sometime find things need a quick tidy up. Unbelievable I know. But with over 100 clients and 30 cleaners to look after we don’t always have time to keep the sock drawer in order.
But on busy days it can be difficult to step away from the phone for long enough to get things done. Sometimes a quick tidy up is all we have time for. Here’s how we do it. But be warned it’s not a method for hoarders!
Before you start you will need to get a few things ready:
1. A good strong black bin bag for all the things you are going to throw away!
2. A good general purpose cleaner and a cleaning cloth
3. Three suitably sized containers large enough to hold all the stuff currently cluttering up the Area To Be Tidied. Label your three containers (you do have a labeller right?) KEEP, MOVE, and GIVE.
Once you’ve got all the stuff ready, it’s time to put the kettle on take break! Just kidding. This is honestly only going to take 30 minutes tops. Let’s get to it.
First you need to empty EVERYTHING out of the AREA TO BE TIDIED. Yes, that’s right. Everything. It’s all gotta go. Pick up each object one at a time and make a decision. Are you going to KEEP it where it is (if so, put it in the KEEP container) should it be somewhere else? (if so put it in the MOVE container) does it need throwing away? (put it in the bin bag) or are you going to take it to the charity shop (put it in the GIVE bucket). Do this with every single item until the area is clear.
Once the space is clear give it a quick once over with the cleaner and cloth. We like to sing a little song at this point. You might prefer to whistle. It’s entirely up to you.
Then replace all the stuff in the KEEP bucket in an orderly manner. Take the bin bag out to where ever you keep your rubbish. Put the donate container in the back of the car and drop it off at the next convenient opportunity.
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